Wednesday, October 28, 2009

easily entertained

So one of my friends brought me this card...
I started laughing so hard-since this is usually what I think about durring the day! With every little thing I do-I always think "I need my camera" or "this could be my pic of day"!I know it rally isn't a picture that I took but I had to share:)
and my picture for today...

kids are soooooo easily entertained! Mason brought his pumpkin into the house and Marshal and him both grabbed some pencils and started stabbing the poor thing-it wasn't just a jab here and a jab there-no it was a STAB! matter of fact I think there is a pencil in the middle of the pumpkin they stabbed it so hard! Then they started to roll this stinkin thing up and down our hall-when I seen them I wanted to get mad, just in case pumpkin was getting on my carpet! Then I thought "POD".

1 comment:

  1. aaaawwwwwww what a cute card. You sure have a good friend! :) heh heh....

    PS love the pumpkin rolling/stabbing.
