Sunday, December 20, 2009

Thursday, December 17, 2009


this is my cute little neice in her Christmas dress! You look darling Katie-bug:)

Monday, December 14, 2009

Stan and Nicole

This cute little couple is doing SURPRISE pictures for their families for was so much fun to take their photos! They are a fun couple and you can totally fill the love they have for each other-thanks for letting me be part of the surprise:)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

My CUTE kids!

since it was TOO cold outside for my baby-I decided to snap some shots of them in the house for our Christmas card-these are the pictures-I will post the card when I get it done:)

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Sibling Christmas card...

This is the Christmas card that I made for the "siblings"...

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


it is fun to photograph brothers and sisters. We went to a nearby old barn and got some cute photos-I love the red barn background!

Wyatt's Invite

this is fun invite I made for Wyatt's baptism:) Good luck Saturday buddy!!


Waytt turned 8 in we all know what that means...Baptism:)
So I took him to a local park and snapped some photos of him in his new fancy suit-good luck Wyatt.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Zac is 3!!!

Zac's mom, my BF Liesl took some adorable pictures of Zac and emailed them to me so we could make him a birthday invite...HAPPY BIRTHDAY Zaccie:)

Marshal is 3!!!

So my little guy is 3-WOW! So I took some fun pic's of him in front of an old brick building and then made this cute little invite for his birthday party! HAPPY BIRTHDAY buddy:)

Monday, November 30, 2009

Hendricks Family...

Since I took my sister's cute little family photos many people have asked if I could come snap some of their families-so I have decided to show some of these cute little families and little people to all of my friends and family...I went to a local park and captured these awesome pics of my sister Carrie and her cute family-thanks Carrie for letting me do this for you!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

once again I am behind...

Well here I am yet again...BEHIND on blogging!
So I have decided that having 3 blogs ais NOT for me-and seeing that I am always behind on the daily thing-I am no longer going to be blogging. Yes for now I am discontinuing my blogging and saying farewell to 365. Thanks for following while it lasted:)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

photo shoot

So this next week is going to be a very busy week for my sister and her little family. On Monday they have court and then on Saturday they are going to the Temple and blessing Kate! So today we went and did a photo shoot so she could have some cute family photos around at the luncheon. It was so much fun taking their pictures.

yard work

So Wednesday Mike had the day off due to Veterans day. So we went Christmas shopping, you know at the "guy" places. (Smith and Edwards and Sportsmans) We came home and I went to a photo shoot-my next pod...
But when I came home all the boys went outside to do some yard work-when I seen the pitchfork I had to take a picture(LOL).

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

this has to be one of my favorite kid books...(sorry about the sideways tilt:)) starts out with a middle child "monster" asking his mom who her favorite monster is out of all three monsters "children". Through the story Harry (the middle monster) feels like his mom doesn't have time for him because she is always too busy with his baby sister or doing things like homework with his older brother-I know I feel like it is my family to a tee! So Harry gets his feelings hurt-and locks himself into his room with his 3 favorite beasties. There's a bat...and I can't recall what the other two are right at this moment... but when he tells his mom how he feels and ask her who her fav is-her response is..."well Harry who is your favorite beastie?" And of course Harry can't have a favorite because he loves them all the same, but different-is his reponse-and sometimes I feel like I am always showing my attention to Abbie, because of the feeding and the bumb changes and also to Mason because of the homework and there are times that I feel like I can't do it all and have that special time with all of my kids-I do love them all the same but different.

Monday, November 9, 2009

here I am again...

Hi it's me again:) I know NO surprise here, I am behind on blogging yet again!
Well needless to say there is NO catching up. Sorry but pictures were the LAST thing on my mind this last week. My whole family has been SICK! As I am typing this out I am listening to Mason's cough every 2 seconds...break time...
Okay I am back, Mason had to get ride of some flem (sorry for the info) Well theres Mike hacking away too-oh the life:)
So tomorrow I will start fresh with the whole picture thing again-

Thursday, October 29, 2009


so I had so much laundry to do, I decided that I better do it! When I got it all downstairs to do, there were PILES everywhere...I am surprised that we even had ANY underware! There was so much I couldn't fit it all into one picture so I had to take several shots-after I got half of it done I think I still counted like 7 or 8 piles still to go. But I am proud to say that it is ALL done:)

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

easily entertained

So one of my friends brought me this card...
I started laughing so hard-since this is usually what I think about durring the day! With every little thing I do-I always think "I need my camera" or "this could be my pic of day"!I know it rally isn't a picture that I took but I had to share:)
and my picture for today...

kids are soooooo easily entertained! Mason brought his pumpkin into the house and Marshal and him both grabbed some pencils and started stabbing the poor thing-it wasn't just a jab here and a jab there-no it was a STAB! matter of fact I think there is a pencil in the middle of the pumpkin they stabbed it so hard! Then they started to roll this stinkin thing up and down our hall-when I seen them I wanted to get mad, just in case pumpkin was getting on my carpet! Then I thought "POD".

Monday, October 26, 2009

Love those weekends

I love mornings at our house-that is when Marshal doesn't wake up ten times that night. All of the kids were up by 6 am today and came and climbed in bed with us-well Abbie didn't. but I brought herr in. I love the pictures of us kids when we were younger and we are just crashing with our dad-so I had to grab the camera and snap this of Mike with the kids.
on Sunday Mike and the boys went to church. Abbie and I stayed home because all the sickness that is out there flying around right now. When they got home we decided to go for a ride up Bountiful. The colors are so pretty. But man was is COLD! It was fun to go to the mountains since I haven't been all year. I love the smell of the mountains and I love that you tend to forget your everyday life while your up in Heavenly Fathers country.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

catch up time again...

Today was a hard day for me and Mikes side of the family. His cousin had a baby that died at birth and they burried him today. I couldn't believe how small the little casket was. They had an open casket, which was a little hard for me-but we arn't all alike-it was such a good graveside service. I am thankful that I was able to go-Mike had to work today so my sister in law watched my kids for me-thank you-when I went to pick them up I went to my mom's house-she was going to watch Abbie for me while we went and helped with some service that Mike was in charge of at work-I walked in her house and before I could sit Abbies carseat down she said
"Amie, just so you know, I was expossed to the swine flu"
so I grabed Abbie and said okay boys lets go! I wasn't going to stick around there for very long-there are 10 families in their ward that have it! YUCK:( so needless to say I am staying my distance from Syracuse for a few!
My mother-in-law makes some really cute things with her sewing machiene-she makes these cute little finger puppets-they are so fetchin cute I ordered them all for our church bag-I am so excited to give them to the kids to play with:)
We went to the Syracuse Pumpkin walk like we do every year. This year they had over 1000 pumpkins! My boys loved it and they were really fasinated by all the pumpkins that had spiders carved in them.
So quess who is loving her baby food...ABBIE:) She is so funny-she doesn't just eat it and scarf it down like some babies-she absolutly enjoys her food-she puckers her lips and savors the flavor she is so funny!
WOW-Abbie is 4 months! Today we had her doctor appointment-I can't believe how fast they grow up. So I took her to the doctors office and while we were there, there was 4 kids wearing masks because they had the flu-one was tested positive for swine! So Abbie was covered well and stayed that way. When we got into the room I grabbed me can of Lysol spray and sprayed it down. Then I got her undressed and we walked to the scale and the length measurement thing??? I sprayed there as well:) She weighs 14 pounds and is 26 1/2 inches she is in the 97% for her height-you go little squirt!