Monday, November 30, 2009

Hendricks Family...

Since I took my sister's cute little family photos many people have asked if I could come snap some of their families-so I have decided to show some of these cute little families and little people to all of my friends and family...I went to a local park and captured these awesome pics of my sister Carrie and her cute family-thanks Carrie for letting me do this for you!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

once again I am behind...

Well here I am yet again...BEHIND on blogging!
So I have decided that having 3 blogs ais NOT for me-and seeing that I am always behind on the daily thing-I am no longer going to be blogging. Yes for now I am discontinuing my blogging and saying farewell to 365. Thanks for following while it lasted:)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

photo shoot

So this next week is going to be a very busy week for my sister and her little family. On Monday they have court and then on Saturday they are going to the Temple and blessing Kate! So today we went and did a photo shoot so she could have some cute family photos around at the luncheon. It was so much fun taking their pictures.

yard work

So Wednesday Mike had the day off due to Veterans day. So we went Christmas shopping, you know at the "guy" places. (Smith and Edwards and Sportsmans) We came home and I went to a photo shoot-my next pod...
But when I came home all the boys went outside to do some yard work-when I seen the pitchfork I had to take a picture(LOL).

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

this has to be one of my favorite kid books...(sorry about the sideways tilt:)) starts out with a middle child "monster" asking his mom who her favorite monster is out of all three monsters "children". Through the story Harry (the middle monster) feels like his mom doesn't have time for him because she is always too busy with his baby sister or doing things like homework with his older brother-I know I feel like it is my family to a tee! So Harry gets his feelings hurt-and locks himself into his room with his 3 favorite beasties. There's a bat...and I can't recall what the other two are right at this moment... but when he tells his mom how he feels and ask her who her fav is-her response is..."well Harry who is your favorite beastie?" And of course Harry can't have a favorite because he loves them all the same, but different-is his reponse-and sometimes I feel like I am always showing my attention to Abbie, because of the feeding and the bumb changes and also to Mason because of the homework and there are times that I feel like I can't do it all and have that special time with all of my kids-I do love them all the same but different.

Monday, November 9, 2009

here I am again...

Hi it's me again:) I know NO surprise here, I am behind on blogging yet again!
Well needless to say there is NO catching up. Sorry but pictures were the LAST thing on my mind this last week. My whole family has been SICK! As I am typing this out I am listening to Mason's cough every 2 seconds...break time...
Okay I am back, Mason had to get ride of some flem (sorry for the info) Well theres Mike hacking away too-oh the life:)
So tomorrow I will start fresh with the whole picture thing again-