Saturday, September 26, 2009

Where did all the oReo's go?

Oh MY!!! Tonight the boys wanted oreo shakes-so I went to get the cookies out of the cupboard... and this is what I found! An EmPTy oreo package. So I called the boys in...and when I told them we couldn't have shakes because someone ate ALL the cookies...both of them were glad to rat the other one out "Marshal ate them all" "Mason ate them all" is all I heard. It didn't matter none the less I just hope neither one of them have really BAD belly aches!

Friday, September 25, 2009

What the FReaK?

so today I was at 7-11 getting my diet coke, when I looked over in complete ug! Parked next to me was this horrendeous motor cycle. It is completely covered in velvet leopard something. I was laughing so hard I almost had an accident in my pants. I was laughing because I was thinking who or better yet what would drive something like that! Then he walked out and I had to laugh even HARDER! (I will let you use your imagination) But then I felt bad because he is after all human-and I thought "it is a good thing that not all of us are alike". Because I am sure there were people laughing at my holy tomatoey pants! (since we were canning again today). So I had to share with everyone-the beautiful bike I seen today.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

this could be DANGEROUS!

I walked around the corner today to see Marshal trying to CUT his tag off his shirt, because it was bugging him. Thank goodness he is using KIDDY scissors. Right after the picture he did grab the adult scissors-YIKES! He did do a great job at just cutting off his tag and nothing else.

dishes everywhere...

So my mom and sister was going into Riverdale for some errands, they took Marshal so I could get something done at my house. Well when I got to my house Abbie decided that she was hungry. So I sat down and let her have a bottle, Abbie is a very SLOW eater. She takes anywhere from 15 minutes to 1 hour for one bottle. This time she decided to take the hour! Before I knew it my mom and Carrie was pulling into my driveway-WHAT...I did not get a dang thing done! My kitchen had dishes EVERYWHERE! You couldn't see the countertops, the sink was three feet high, and the stovetop was full as well-yep it was a desaster! I probulary should have called the flood, fire and MOLD cleaner. I was so embarresed when Kate was starving and Carrie had to come in and give her a bottle. When my mom walked in I kept saying "please don't look at my house today." "please don't judge me today." Well I am proud to say an hour after my mom and Carrie left my kitchen was spotless! YEAH!!! So I took a picture of the CLEAN kitchen. I was too ashamed to take a before pic-and you know how daring I am with my pictures. My mom put it into one word and told me that my kitchen was just "OVERWHELMING".

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Kids and canning...

So today we were canning at my mom and dad's house. We canned whole tomatoes-yummy for taco soup and speg sauce! My brother Wade asked the kids to pick up all the bad tomatoes and throw them in a bucket, before we knew it they were covered in tomatoes! I quess that is what you get when the kids help. If we were all that carefree it would be so nice. And now for some more catch up...

I decided it was time to start my excercise since every weekend I say okay on Monday I am starting my diet, well I found a program that is from couch to running in 6 weeks, so I cleaned off my treadmill and went for it and I did it! I walked for 5 minutes for my warmup then ran for 1 minute and walked for 2 and did this for 30 minutes. YEAH!!! I have to say thank you to Emily for giving me inspiration. The other day I went to her house and she was excercising-so THANKS Emily! I am so gratful for awesome friends.

My little boy Mason thinks he is BIG enough to carry Abbie around the house, so I let him because he is so careful with her. And I know he would never hurt her on purpose.
My boys and Michael found a grasshoper. Mason was brave enough to hold it, but Marshal was a little chicken! About a month ago my dad told us that the next time he sees a grasshopper he was going to pick it up and eat everything but the legs. So my boys catch every grasshopper they see for him-he hasn't eat one yet-Thankgoodness!!!

Friday, September 18, 2009

1st for everything!

Well I do have to say there is a first for everything...
Abbie is my first baby to put herself to sleep! Mason can do it now, however Marshal needs Michael or I to be able to fall asleep. I know that Heavenly Father knew I needed a good baby, because Marshal is my chalenge. He is the one that wakes up 4 to 5 times a night. He is the one who will scream out in the middle of the night. However I LOVE all 3 of my kids. I could not and would not want to image my life without them.

road construction!!!!

So yesterday I got all caught up on this blogging suff-although I forgot to blog my post for yesterday!-What the heck!!-I have a really good one too...

So Mike got home from work, he usually is right in the house giving me a kiss-not today however. The boys ran out to him so I thought they were playing. I looked outside and this is what I saw...

All the construction workers holding relief society right in front of my house with my husband. So I grabbed the camera and snapped a pic-there is one good thing about my husband knowing all of them...they really take care of things in front of our house!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Holy Crap!-time flies

Oh my CRAP! time has flown by. So much for doing this blog everday:( And this is why I do not keep a journal. But I do have a good excuse (i think).

So Mike went hunting on friday, and all who know me know I do not stay alone-well okay I have 3 kids, but you know what I mean. So I was excited to go to my mom's house and be able to get caught up on all my blogging-as you can see that did not happen! So here is the LONG catch-up, because I was taking the pictures, just not the blogging...

I went to pick Mason and Morgan up from school and when they got in the car, Morgan said "Mason gross your mom out" Mason looked at me and wiggled his tooth and screamed " I HAVE A LOOSE TOOTH". If you couldn't tell it is his first loose tooth! And now the gross tooth stuff starts-(I HATE loose teeth, it makes me ill) And the whole drama with Mason will begin too. (not so good about seeing his own blood). So now I am putting a tooth fairy pillow together, with a pirate theme. I will post it when I am done.

So today I had my procedure with Dr Johnson, It is called an Ablasion. I am so excited since I won't have any more monthly visitors!-YEAH:) After all I am done having kids so why the heck have that???
Mike went down to his mom and dad's house to get the 4-wheelers ready for their elk hunt. While him, Mason and Marshal was down there the boys were playing on the trailer and Marshal started screaming. So Mike went around the corner and Marshal was upside down with his arms behind him and his face on the cement. They had to stop and get a "dama duce" on the way home-this is what he looked like when he got home!

At shool today they had a grandparents luncheon. Mason was able to take all 4 grandparents. While they were eating I snucked in for a picture.-Thanks grandmas and grandpas for supporting him.


Mike and my brother in law (Carrie's hubby) always are out of town at the same time. Mike is either scouting or on a hunt and Jon is camping with the scouts. It's kind of fun-since Carrie nor I will stay at our houses alone. So we were all at my mom and dad's house-fun for them:).

After church today, my brothers kids came down to my mom and dad's house. They were all outside playing when we heared them yelling. So I walked out to see what was going on-and this little bat is what they found. I had never seen a real one up so close so we had to take a picture-and all the kids want a copy so they can take it to school and show it off!


When we drive I have to take Abbies bow off, if I forget this is what happens. She pulls it over her eyes and screams until she falls asleep!


Carrie and I made our girls some cute lady bug tutus. That is what they are going to be for halloween. They are such funny little girls. It was so much fun to be with my sis this weekend and do the fun stuff together.


through all of this I thought my new BARGAIN camera was broken-Marshal got a hold of it and it would not work. So when Mike came home I told him about it and he started playing around with it (hitting it and twisting things that probulary should not twist) and now it works again!

Monday, September 7, 2009

the poCKEts of little boys...

well after a fun day at the ground up in Lava...this is what my washing machiene looked like after washing the boys pants!
It is funny because we were just talking about boys and their pockets at a scout meeting last week. Half of the people said that they didn't want to see what was in the boys pockets. So today we had change, little rocks (Marshal) and one BIG rock (Mason). This wasn't the first time that I have emptied my wash and found these kind of things...maybe that is why we had to buy a new washer in June!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

thank goodness for stain remover

Well since it is Sunday, I thought about this week when we had the young men and young women over to our house. They were having a progressive dinner and we had them for the dessert. I made a strawberry pretzel cheescake something or another (it's really good with the sweet and salty) While they were here a young man spilled some strawberry on my carpet. Then he proceeded to put his foot over the top of it (and stomp it into the carpet!). The funny thing about the whole thing is that I saw everything he did! Even funnier...when they left Mason said "mom did you see what that kid did" Yes we seen the WHOLE thing. It would not have been any big deal if he would have told me about it at the time, but that he tried to cover it up-really made me mad!

the ground...

my parents have property up at Lava Hot Springs, every Labor Day we are up there for the whole week-end. This year we had a baby blessing that we had to go to, so we were only able to go up for Saturday-but it was so much fun! The boys absolutly LOVED it . Marshal was dirty from head to toe. He is the type of kid that can play by himself and be totally fine. Mason had fun playing with his cousins, him on the other hand has to be playing with someone and he always has to be the BOSS. My dad always loves to take us all for rides on his 4-wheeler and tells us stories of everybodies property up there.

a favorite

this has got to be my favorite part of Abbie's bath. When I get her ready for her bath, it is in her room on her changing table, so when I walk around the corner to the bathroom this is the first thing I see in the mirror. When she is older and thinks she has a cottage cheese butt I am going to be pulling this picture out to show her!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

My DIrTy little boy!!!

okay so both of my boys really sweat (a lot) , this is what happens when Marshal runs all over the yard and then goes into the sand box.

my BRAVE little boy!

Mason had a Calcium deposit (there is some fancy name for it) on his arm that he had to have taken (cut) out. He was so brave at the doctor's office-I was so proud of him!

straight from the garden

Well I stayed up Tuesday night until 3am canning salsa. Mike was so awesome, he syayed up until midnight helping me cut and chop everything-thanks babe. We found a new recipe this year and I have to say I LOVE IT!!!