Thursday, September 17, 2009

Holy Crap!-time flies

Oh my CRAP! time has flown by. So much for doing this blog everday:( And this is why I do not keep a journal. But I do have a good excuse (i think).

So Mike went hunting on friday, and all who know me know I do not stay alone-well okay I have 3 kids, but you know what I mean. So I was excited to go to my mom's house and be able to get caught up on all my blogging-as you can see that did not happen! So here is the LONG catch-up, because I was taking the pictures, just not the blogging...

I went to pick Mason and Morgan up from school and when they got in the car, Morgan said "Mason gross your mom out" Mason looked at me and wiggled his tooth and screamed " I HAVE A LOOSE TOOTH". If you couldn't tell it is his first loose tooth! And now the gross tooth stuff starts-(I HATE loose teeth, it makes me ill) And the whole drama with Mason will begin too. (not so good about seeing his own blood). So now I am putting a tooth fairy pillow together, with a pirate theme. I will post it when I am done.

So today I had my procedure with Dr Johnson, It is called an Ablasion. I am so excited since I won't have any more monthly visitors!-YEAH:) After all I am done having kids so why the heck have that???
Mike went down to his mom and dad's house to get the 4-wheelers ready for their elk hunt. While him, Mason and Marshal was down there the boys were playing on the trailer and Marshal started screaming. So Mike went around the corner and Marshal was upside down with his arms behind him and his face on the cement. They had to stop and get a "dama duce" on the way home-this is what he looked like when he got home!

At shool today they had a grandparents luncheon. Mason was able to take all 4 grandparents. While they were eating I snucked in for a picture.-Thanks grandmas and grandpas for supporting him.


Mike and my brother in law (Carrie's hubby) always are out of town at the same time. Mike is either scouting or on a hunt and Jon is camping with the scouts. It's kind of fun-since Carrie nor I will stay at our houses alone. So we were all at my mom and dad's house-fun for them:).

After church today, my brothers kids came down to my mom and dad's house. They were all outside playing when we heared them yelling. So I walked out to see what was going on-and this little bat is what they found. I had never seen a real one up so close so we had to take a picture-and all the kids want a copy so they can take it to school and show it off!


When we drive I have to take Abbies bow off, if I forget this is what happens. She pulls it over her eyes and screams until she falls asleep!


Carrie and I made our girls some cute lady bug tutus. That is what they are going to be for halloween. They are such funny little girls. It was so much fun to be with my sis this weekend and do the fun stuff together.


through all of this I thought my new BARGAIN camera was broken-Marshal got a hold of it and it would not work. So when Mike came home I told him about it and he started playing around with it (hitting it and twisting things that probulary should not twist) and now it works again!

1 comment:

  1. Okay so first off, CONGRATS on updating your blog! :)

    Now for the comments:
    I'm so glad that your camera isn't broken afterall. Yay Mike. Now just don't let Marshal know that it's fixed.

    Man those ladybug tutu's are cute. How did ya' make them? I think that is what Grace is going to be as well - just not with the cute tutu.

    Okay and that picture of Abbie with the bow over her eyes? It looks like a medical mask, and the brown bow looks like hair with a pigs snout on it. It took me a minute to figure out what I was looking at! Funny! (Cute bow by the way)

    Cute Grandparents picture ... Gross bat picture ... and poor Marshal! He looks too happy in that picture to be hurt. Is he okay now? I didn't even notice he was banged up yesterday morning when I was standing there talking to you. What a nice friend I am, right?

    And on a final note, those syringe's make me light-headed.
